I haven't introduced all of our fur family...so I'm going to do that, one at a time, and tell their story. First and oldest...Abbie re-named Oppea by our oldest daughter...who re-names everyone. Our youngest daughter and I were coming out of Wal-Mart about 11 years ago and a Mom with two little boys had one last kitten. She wasn't very cute...and the boys said, "If we take her home, our dad said he'd shoot her". The mom said, "Oh, No, he wouldn't do that". Well, we took Abbie, just in case, and as we were leaving the mom said...You did save her life. Hmmm? I won't say what I was thinking... Oppea has been such a sweet, loving addition to our family. She's very smart and can tell us exactly what she wants... She loves green peas and will sit by the freezer until you warm some up for her. She has the most gorgeous eyes, which I haven't been able to capture on camera, yet. And, Oppea has white whiskers on one side of her face and black on the other. She's very unique and we love her very much!